Recent paintings Cobb Cottage – Red Hills Track, Richmond Ranges This lovely cottage sits near the beginning of the Red Hills Track up in to the Richmond Ranges on the Wairau River Valley side of the ranges. 1,020 x 760, oil on stretchered canvas. July 2023. Lake Daniell II An early morning walk in winter beside Lake Daniell, Lewis Pass. June 2023. 920 x 610 oil on stretchered canvas. Emily Peak – Fiordland Emily Peak, Fiordland National Park. As seen from above the Hollyford River. Half of the Routeburn track is encompassed in this painting. June 2023. 920 x 720 oil on stretchered canvas. Tram 1888 – Christchurch Tram 1888 trundling down New Regent Street in Christchurch. 910 x 760 oil on stretchered canvas. Lake Daneill bush – Lewis Pass A morning walk around Lake Daniell, Lewis Pass catching the early sun. 910 x 760 oil on stretchered canvas. Delaware Bay – Nelson This lovely bay and Pepin Island, from where the painting is viewing is sadly, not accessible to the public. Maori Pa Beach with its three outcrops runs off to the Whangamoa Range in the background. 1010 x 760 oil on stretchered canvas. Middle Earth – Maruia Station Creek – Maruia. This is the upstream entrance to the Station Creek gorge, guarded by the middle earth-like rock formations. The orange seepage is from the rich iron oxide soil in the area. 1010 x 760 oil on stretchered canvas. Baton River, Nelson February 2023, the Baton River, Nelson. The challenging Baton River track follows this lovely river up to Flanagan’s Hut, and then on to the mountain tops. 1220 x 910 oil on stretchered canvas. Flooded and Abandoned August 2022. Flooded and Abandoned 4WD track, adjacent to the ford of the Sheriff River, Maruia. Oil on stretchered canvas. 920 x 610mm. Waimea Inlet, Nelson June 2022. The Waimea Inlet, Nelson, as viewed from the high level walking track off Panarama Drive. The low mid-winter sun reflecting off the low tide strips of the estuary and the subtleties of the colours and tones in the clouds and sky caught my eye. 920 x 610 oil on stretchered canvas. Old Ghost Road, Lyell, Buller This part of the Old Ghost Road is at the Lyell end, in the Buller Gorge. The name comes from when the track cutters were try to follow a ghost of a road. June 2022, oil on stretchered canvas, 1015 x 1015mm Westport Fishing Boats May 2022, Antares and Sea Fury boats catching the setting sun. See details on the West Coast page. 910 x 610 oil on stretchered canvas.