Nelson and Buller area Cobb Cottage – Red Hills Track This lovely cobb cottage sits near the beginning of the Red Hills Track up into the Richmond Ranges on the Wairau River Valley side of the ranges. I created the misty background so that the light area wall gave full emphasis to the cottage. 1,020 x 760, oil on stretchered canvas. Lake Daniell – Lewis Pass An early morning walk in winter beside Lake Daniell, Lewis Pass. 920 x 610, oil on stretchered canvas. Beside Lake Daniell – Lewis Pass A morning walk around Lake Daniell, Lewis Pass catching the early sun. 910 x 760 oil on stretchered canvas. Delaware Bay – Nelson This lovely bay and Pepin Island, from where the painting is viewing is sadly, not accessible to the public. Maori Pa Beach with its three outcrops runs off to the Whangamoa Range in the background. 1010 x 760 oil on stretchered canvas. Middle Earth – Maruia Station Creek – Maruia. This is the upstream entrance to the Station Creek gorge, guarded by the middle earth-like rock formations. The orange seepage is from the rich iron oxide soil in the area. The pool here is a great place for a swim after a day’s tramping and exploring the area. Baton River, Nelson The Baton River, Nelson. The challenging Baton River track follows this lovely river up to Flanagan’s Hut, and then on to the mountain tops. Oil on stretchered canvas. 1220 x 910mm, unframed. Flooded and Abandoned Flooded and Abandoned 4WD track adjacent to the ford of the Sheriff River, Maruia. Oil on stretchered canvas. 610 x 920mm, unframed, Waimea Inlet, mid-winter, Nelson The Waimea Inlet, Nelson, as viewed from the high level walking track off Panarama Drive. The low mid-winter sun reflecting off the low tide strips of the estuary and the subtleties of the colours and tones in the clouds and sky caught my eye. Oil on stretchered canvas, 610 x 920mm, unframed, Old Ghost Road, Buller This part of the Old Ghost Road is at the Lyell end, in the Buller Gorge. The name comes from when the track cutters were try to follow a ghost of a road. June 2022, oil on stretchered canvas, 1015 x 1015mm. SOLD Sun Burst – Coal Creek 4WD, Maruia Another painting from my favourite 4WD Road – Coal Creek, Maruia. This is from just south of the unnamed lake that nestles beside the road. Oil on stretchered canvas, 1,100mm x 760mm, unframed. The Shed – Murchison I have driven passed this lovely shed many times and always thought “there is a painting here” and now there is. The shed is just south of Murchison on the right hand side before the Westport turn off. 910 x 610mm oil on stretchered canvas. Cobb Valley, Kahurangi National Park Late in 2021 we spent a lovely few days fishing and exploring the mid-Cobb Valley and fishing the lake head. This painting looks from Mytton’s Clearing towards the head of the valley. Oil on stretchered canvas, 900mm x 600mm, unframed. Crown fern, Muntz Range, Nelson Lakes National Park Crown fern along the top of the Muntz range, Howard Valley, Nelson Lakes National Park. Crown fern is beautiful to look at but a noisy troublesome problem for a hunter as it is almost impossible to walk through quietly. 910 x 760mm oil on stretchered canvas, unframed. Burnt Spur 2, Tutaki Forest, Murchison Approaching the fog bank. Enjoying the last of the sunshine before entering the mist. Oil on stretchered canvas 910 x 910mm. Sold Sprig & Fern, Nelson The Sprig & Fern, Hardy Street, Nelson. The Autumn hews and night time yellow light from various sources made this urban landscape something that I wanted to capture in oils. Oil on stretchered canvas, 910 x 610mm, unframed. Pot holes – Coal Creek Pot holes.Coal Creek 4WD road, Maruia, near Lewis Pass. As is my want, I stopped in the middle of the road, walked around the pot hole studying the reflections and transparency of the water and decided this needed painting. 760 x 610mm. Oil on stretchered canvas. SOLD. Into the mist Into the mist. I was supposed to be hunting but when the mist began to shroud the ridge it turned into a scenic otherworldly walk. Burnt Spur, Tutaki, near Murchison. 1010 x 760mm. Oil on stretchered canvas. Sold. Daybreak over Nelson City. A 5am start up to the Centre of New Zealand to capture this view. This was one of the most fun paintings to do that I’ve ever done. 760 x 760mm. Oil on stretchered canvas. Coal Creek 4WD road near Maruia at our camping area clearing. This is before the first ford and is a great base for exploring the southern Spencer Mountains area. 760 x 510mm. Oil on timber stretchered canvas. Looking towards Nelson city. From Ruby Bay west at low tide. 760 x 510mm. Oil on timber stretchered canvas. Tiraumea Saddle II. From a recent tramp into Nelson Lakes National Park. 1010 x 760mm oil on Das cotton duck exhibition canvas and timber stretchers. Peel Lake Track, Cobb Valley, Kahurangi National Park. If you walk in winter just after the snow then you get snow dropping down your neck. If you go when the snow begins to melt in the trees you get cold water dripping down your neck. If you go a couple of days later you get this beauty without the wet neck. Coal Creek track, Maruia. This lovely 4WD track runs parallel to the Lewis Pass Highway but one valley over. It is an amazingly flat valley that links Lake Daniels to the farm lands behind Maruia. 760 x 510mm. Oil on timber stretchered canvas. Approaching Downies historic hut from down a deer trail. The mountain behind is the Faerie Queene, the highest peak in the Spencer Mountains, the range that forms the back boundary to Nelson Lakes National Park. 710 x 560mm. Oil on canvas. If you can’t be there then the next best thing I’ve found is to paint being there. Tiraumea saddle beech forest, Nelson Lakes National Park. Oil on stretchered canvas, 910 x 455mm unframed.The sunlight spotting the beech and parts of the ground caught my eye and I thought this is a challenge I would like to paint. It was one of the most enjoyable paintings to do. Morning up the D’Urville River, Nelson Lakes National Park. This early morning landscape attempts to capture the warmth of the morning light on the mountains and the warm glow in the sky as I left Morgan Hut. Oil on canvas das panel 910mm x 610mm, unframed. Detail of morning up the D’Urville River Detail of morning up the D’Urville River Detail of morning up the D’Urville River Oaklands farm behind Saxton Field, Stoke, 2020. Oil on canvas das panel 765mm x 510mm, unframed. I run passed here almost every day as part of my exercise regime. Nelson Lakes National Park forest has areas where there is no undergrowth and the floor is a carpet of beech leaves and branches. I loved the way the sun light came through the canopy to illuminate a strip of the forest floor. Oil on canvas panel 610 460mm. This painting has now gone to a private collection in Rotorua, New Zealand. The back walking path, Saxton Field, Nelson – sold