Southern South Island

Emily Peak, Fiordland

Emily Peak, Fiordland National Park. As seen from above the Hollyford River. Half of the Routeburn track is encompassed in this painting. June 2023. Oil on stretchered canvas 760 x 920mm.

Borland Burn Track, Fiordland

The Borland Burn track, Fiordland. This lovely walk through mature beech forest runs towards Lake Manapouri starting from near the Lake Monowai road.
Oil on stretchered canvas 900 x 600mm.

Te Anau Beech Forest

This beech forest is off the road between Te Anau and Milford Sound. I loved the way the juvenile beech trees were growing in the slot where a large beech tree had fallen allowing light in to generate new growth. Oil on stretchered canvas 900 x 600mm.

Rees Valley, Aspiring National Park

The Rees Valley, Aspiring National Park. Oil on stretchered canvas. 910mm x 460mm.

Eglinton Valley

The road from Te Anau passes through this lovely valley on the way to Milford Sound. We camped on the river flats and enjoyed the lovely light of the early morning sun catching the peaks. 910mm x 610mm ,oil on stretchered canvas. Unframed .

Mitre Peak, Milford Sound

Mitre Peak at low tide as viewed from Milford. The visual composition of the tidal flats leading the eye to the mountains appealed to me greatly and I had to capture it on a canvas. 760mm x 610mm ,oil on canvas.

The Cleddau River, Fiordland National Park

The road down into Milford Sound runs along side this, the Cleddau River. This mood piece attempts to capture the mood of the wettest inhabited place in New Zealand, Milford Sound. Oil on timber stretchered canvas, 610 x 510mm. SOLD.

Mt Earnslaw, Aspiring National Park

While Sylvia was cocooned in her sleeping bag enjoying a morning sleep in, Mt Earnslaw was showing off in the morning sun. The Rees Valley is on the right and the Dart Valley is on the left of Earnslaw. Oil on canvas famed panel 760 x 510mm.